The right garment can make an overweight person look elegantly proportioned. However, and this might sound like poetic justice, a badly made garment can do untold damage to a figure, making a slim...
Category: Italian Fashion
Any well dressed man or woman will always attract glances of admiration and often unsolicited attention. However, the benefits of looking smart and elegant far outweigh the drawbacks; a well...
I know what you are thinking: ‘Is this a trick question?’, and I wholeheartedly agree with all those screaming affirmatives: ‘Absolutely, they do!’ What is it about clothes that makes...
Vintage has always been a constant, think of the box of hand me downs that came from your third cousins whom you viewed as being somewhat exotic, partly because you never really met them and had only...
Fashion faux pas can be avoided if certain considerations are adhered to; over 40s should avoid cheap high street vintage and look towards wearing better quality vintage designer editions; try...
There are a variety of online sites which offer the opportunity to hunt down that unique item that screams the real you. There are auctions, thrift shops, markets and local clear outs where...